Do you sometimes struggle with your prayer life?
Have you always had questions about prayer, but didn’t know who to ask?
Have you ever thought there were formal ways you should pray?
Sunshine and Showers investigates the complexity of prayer, considering six different ideas that seem to contradict each other.
Prayer as friendship: is prayer boring, or life-giving?
Praying as rhythm: do we pray sometimes, or all the time?
Forms of prayer: are your prayers eloquent, or silent?
When prayer is hard: does God feel absent, or present?
Prayers for healing: do you get answers, or no answers?
Answering prayers ourselves: does God act, or do we act to answer prayers?
The course uses video content as a start point for conversation and a course booklet will be available
This event is provided by Rosie Bryant of the Learning Network, in conjunction with the Hidden River Methodist Circuit.